Gurbanguly Berdymuhammedov
Acting president of Turkmenistan
December, 21, 2006 temporarily acting as president of Turkmenistan
vice-premier Gurbanguly Berdymuhammedov is appointed.
The post of the vice-president of the Cabinet of Turkmenistan Berdymuhammedov
borrows since 2001.
In structure of government Berdymuhammedov supervises questions of education, a
science and public health services. Besides behind it has been kept for a former
post of Minister of Health and the medical industry to which it has been
appointed in 1997.
Gurbanguly Berdymuhammedov, 1957 of a birth, was born in Ashghabad areas Turkmen
SSR. By education - the physician, the candidate of medical sciences. In 1979
has ended stomatologic faculty of Turkmen state medical institute which dean
subsequently became. With 1995 down to purpose for a post of minister held a
post of director of the stomatologic center of Ministry of Health and the
medical industry of Turkmenistan.